Turned toward the sun ─


4 Ways to Find More Gratitude This Holiday Season

4 Ways to Find More Gratitude This Holiday Season

Tis the season to be jolly and get into that holiday spirit but more often than not this time of year can stir up some difficult emotions. Whether...
Becoming a Conscious Consumer

Becoming a Conscious Consumer

We have the ability to make small choices that can make a positive impact on the world we live in, and your closet is one place to start.

Here are a few ways I am trying to be a better consumer...

    Get in Touch With Your Inner Goddess

    Get in Touch With Your Inner Goddess

    It's important to honor our more gentle "yin" energy and get in touch with our inner goddess. After all, if we don't embrace her and have a strong sense of who she is how will she shine? 


    Personal Gleanings On Navigating Self Care

    Personal Gleanings On Navigating Self Care

    To me self-care means taking care of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of myself. So as an advocate of self care I thought I would share a few of my learning lessons on it all. 
    The Morning After: Essential Oils on Ice

    The Morning After: Essential Oils on Ice

    My newest morning ritual helps to combat bags under the eyes or a puffy face in the morning...and I will tell you no lies I read it straight outta Vogue so I'm just relaying my version avec VITRUVI.
    How to Create Your Own Zen Den

    How to Create Your Own Zen Den

    Creating a sacred space that can be your quiet little haven from the world is important when it comes to finding inner peace, solace, and clearing your mind and energy in order to move forward and create abundance and happiness. Here is what you need (it doesn't take much!)
    Recipe: Immuni-Tea

    Recipe: Immuni-Tea

    With the cold temperatures and travel around this time of year our immune system's can often be compromised. This simple tea recipe can help keep ...
    Wellness Guide for Holiday Travel

    Wellness Guide for Holiday Travel

    Whatever the holidays may bring, these simple tips can help you stay present and healthy, so you can focus on the important stuff. 
    The healing process: 6 Tips on how to deal

    The healing process: 6 Tips on how to deal

    In 2017 I experienced a really bad injury and for an active person like myself it was a big challenge, however I tried to look at that time as an e...
    5 Ways to Beat the November Blues

    5 Ways to Beat the November Blues

    *As seen on basenotes.vitruvi.com. See original content here* November—that awkward shoulder month. Fall is ending, but it’s not yet Christmas. Th...
    Recipe: Energy Bites

    Recipe: Energy Bites

    If I know I have a busy schedule coming up I like to use Sunday to prepare meals for the week ahead. These protein packed Energy Bites are the easi...
    Taylor Mckay by Bliss Katherine

    The A Word: Anxiety

    Written by Allie Hincks.

    *I'm not an expert, or a doctor – so please don't take my experiences as clinical advice. These are just my general musings about something I've dealt with for the majority of my life (distilled through years of work with a therapist).*